Episode 3: Andreas Spreer

Episode 3: Andreas Spreer

For our third Podcast episode we met certified sound engineer Andreas Spreer, founder and holder of the classical label TACET.

In order to accomplish first-class music recordings, the entire recording process must function perfectly – from the position of the microphone stands to the monitoring in the control room. For this purpose a premium-grade and suitable equipment is a fundamental prerequisite – especially if the recordings don't take place in the familiar studio, but at various locations such as churches or concert halls.

"There is one word which describes pretty well my intention: The word is 'sound'. […] This is what I'm doing."

— Andreas Spreer

In this Podcast-Episode Andreas Spreer is making it clear what is essential with classical music productions. He explains the recording process and his equipment and outlines the functions of the respective appliances. Furthermore he reveals a lot of exciting – and sometimes amazing – details. For him only one thing has priority during his entire work: the music.

Now find out how a classical music production is passing off at TACET and learn what it's all about!

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